Norfolk Minor Hockey Presents MOU to Delhi Minor Hockey, News (Simcoe Minor Hockey)

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May 26, 2022 | Martin Jefferson | 1248 views
Norfolk Minor Hockey Presents MOU to Delhi Minor Hockey
Norfolk Minor Hockey is pleased to inform our members that we have presented Delhi Minor Hockey with a Memorandum of Understanding to partner for the 2022-2023 hockey season.

We strongly believe that such a partnership would help further strengthen our hockey programming for all.  In 2021-22, our hockey program delivered strong local league programming for the core of our membership base. Our representative programming delivered ‘A’ level calibre teams across our U9 to U18 age divisions.  Notwithstanding the success of our inaugural year, we recognize the existence of a programming gap between local league and ‘A’ level play.  To eliminate this gap, we seek an improvement to our overall membership level in an effort to provide ‘B’ level hockey programming across all divisions. This improved structure would offer our players programming that advances in compliment with their growth in skills/abilities.  Today, we can only realistically offer ‘A’ level programming and local league programming and we seek to change that for the benefit of all our hockey players.

The proposed partnership with Delhi Minor Hockey provides us the opportunity to deliver this necessary and needed improved hockey programming structure. For our Delhi Minor Hockey partners, they gain access to ‘A’ and ‘B’ level hockey programming while at the same time (like Dover, Simcoe and Waterford) preserve their core ‘Rockets’ local league programming which will continue to proudly operate within their home arena.

Find attached the proposed MOU, as well as further detailed information on what this partnership would mean to our programming at the local league and representative levels.

Delhi Minor Hockey is sharing our proposal with their members.  We await their consideration and hope for their members’ support.

Updates will be provided in the weeks and months ahead.




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