Session 3 Updates January 25, 2021, News (Simcoe Minor Hockey)

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Jan 25, 2021 | Martin Jefferson | 1391 views
Session 3 Updates January 25, 2021
For all members who have registered for Session 3, pleased be advised of the following updates:    

Those members who are paying by credit card are scheduled to have their second payment charged on February 1st.  Due to Session 3 planning uncertainty this payment will not be processed at that time.  Further communication will be provided regarding this payment when there is more Session 3 clarity.  

Regarding the possibility of running Session 3, there are two positive developments. 

First, the Ontario Hockey Federation has extended the season to May 31st, such that we are able to run our program up to that date, if permitted and required.  Second, Norfolk County has announced that it will not be taking ice out of our arenas at this time.  We have also made them aware of our anticipate ice needs should programming be permitted. As such, depending on how the COVID situation evolves and how the provincial guidelines and allowances change, we remain hopeful that we'll be able to run Session 3 programming, and it remains our intention to do so.   

We will continue to provide updates of any developments.

Stay Safe Everyone!
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