Session 3 Updates, News (Simcoe Minor Hockey)

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Jan 05, 2021 | Martin Jefferson | 1270 views
Session 3 Updates
On behalf of Simcoe and District Minor Hockey, I would like to extend best wishes to everyone for a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!  

Now that all of the participating boards have had an opportunity to meet, we would like to update our members on our plans for Session 3. To be clear, SDMHA is planning to restart hockey programming as soon as we are permitted to do so. In discussions with Norfolk County, the earliest possible date to be back on the ice will be January 25, 2021. This date is a guideline only and relies on a number of variables that are currently unknown. As such we are planning for multiple return to play scenarios.

  1. Provided the current lockdown expires as planned and Norfolk County is returned to status “Orange” ,as it was before December 26th, we will return to play the remainder of our season with refreshed cohorts and redrafted teams where possible per the original Session 3 plan. We are exploring options with Norfolk County on options to extend the season to offer the same amount of ice time as previous to the lockdown announcement, or if that option is unavailable, registration fees will be prorated to reflect the actual amount of ice available before season end.


  1. If upon expiration of the current lockdown, Norfolk County is designated in “Red” Status, we will pivot our programming to be development based and adjust on ice participant numbers to comply with all guidelines for participation in sports under the “Red” protocols. Should this be the scenario that plays out, members will be given the following options.

a.) Withdraw your player and receive a pro-rated refund. This option will not provide for return to play should we move back to orange prior to March 28.

Continue to have your player participate in our modified RED program respecting that group sizes will be limited to 10 participants. Every effort will be made to optimize ice times and provide each player with a full value program. SDMHA will track the actual cost incurred per player under the modified RED program and issue a player credit should the program value be lesser than the amount paid for the original session 3 


  1. If there is an extension of the current lockdown, or if Norfolk County is designated in “Grey” Status, we will re-evaluate our current plans. Depending when this may happen, Norfolk County’s plans for facilities as well as the length of time in a lockdown state, we may as an association cancel the remainder of the 2020-2021 season. Should this occur, prorated refunds will be given to all members.


We understand these are uncertain times for all of us and we will continue to provide updated information as soon at it is available.


Be well, stay safe!

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