Dec 31, 2020 | Martin Jefferson | 775 views
Reminder - Annual General Meeting: January 3, 2021 @ 7pm
Just a quick reminder that the SDMHA Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place at 7:00pm on Sunday, January 3, online via Zoom.
Zoom meeting information will be provided by request only to ensure only current SDMHA members attend and vote.
To request the online meeting information, click
Being an Executive Member is an opportunity to get involved in the operations of SDMHA and help ensure success for all participants. This year, SDMHA has several positions available on the Executive that we will be looking to fill, including:
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Assistant Treasurer
- U9-and-Below Convenor
- Local League Convenor
- Centre Contact
- Secretary
- Director
- Director
- Director
- Director
If you are interested in running for one of the above-mentioned, two-year term positions, or would like to have your say in who is elected, please join us at the AGM.
Those who attend will be entered into a draw for 50% off one child's registration fee for the upcoming season.