Jul 01, 2020 | Martin Jefferson | 1654 views
Simcoe Minor Hockey AND Norfolk Minor Hockey
Associations are now accepting Registrations for the 2020-2021 Hockey Season.
This seasons approach to registration is slightly different from past seasons
due to the current COVID-19 situation. At this point you may register (show
your intention to play), however
NO PAYMENT is required at this time. We will deal with payment later once we know
what the hockey framework for the season looks like.
Please register early so that we can begin to understand the level of interest in each of our programming levels. We hope everyone is having a safe and enjoyable summer and we look forward to returning to the coolness of the rink!
To register with Simcoe Minor Hockey (Local League Hockey), please click here: SIMCOE
To register with Norfolk Minor Hockey (Representative Hockey), please click here: NORFOLK