Hockey Canada Statement on Return to Hockey in Canada, News (Simcoe Minor Hockey)

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Jun 04, 2020 | Martin Jefferson | 1489 views
Hockey Canada Statement on Return to Hockey in Canada
With the health and safety of all participants remaining at the forefront of all decision making, today Hockey Canada has released a statement and guideline documents regarding Return to Play.

Click on the links below.

Hockey Canada Statement on Return to Hockey

In addition, Hockey Canada has created two documents regarding Safety Guidelines and FAQ’s to provide instructions on preparation, hygiene, return to play protocols and use of facilities.

Hockey Canada Return to Hockey Guidelines

Hockey Canada Return to Hockey FAQs

The OHF has also released the following bulletin regarding the OHF Return to Hockey Plan next week.

OHF Bulletin: Hockey Canada's Return to Hockey

We are already in weekly discussions with Norfolk County on Ice allocations and we will continue to share information as it becomes available.

Stay safe!
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