Important Update Regarding the REP Partnership Agreement, News (Simcoe Minor Hockey)

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Oct 13, 2019 | Martin Jefferson | 1775 views
Important Update Regarding the REP Partnership Agreement
The season is now well underway and we hope everyone is settling into their new schedule around hockey. On September 1 we communicated that the Minor Hockey Boards of Port Dover, Simcoe, and Waterford voted in favour of continuing discussions on merits of establishing a Rep Partnership Agreement and that we have made meaningful progress towards the completion of a draft Rep Partnership Agreement for all members to consider.

We are committed to being open, transparent and communicative so that all members of each association receive accurate and timely information. We are pleased to announce that the draft Rep Partnership Agreement has been approved by each of the Boards of Port Dover, Simcoe and Waterford.

The agreement will now be presented to the membership across all associations for their review and ultimately, a vote. Membership information meeting dates will be set shortly – watch for announcements as you will be able to attend any of the three (3) centres to participate in the presentations.  Specific details on where we are at in the overall process is provided in our October 13 – REP Partnership Newsletter attached here:

October 13 – REP Partnership Newsletter 

Information can also be found on our @Norfolk Minor Hockey F
acebook page.

Martin Jefferson
Simcoe and District Minor Hockey Association
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