Oct 15, 2017 | Martin Jefferson | 1180 views
Pre Novice Development Clinics
Simcoe & District Minor Hockey Association is please to
announce that a decision was made to provide JR/SR IP and Tyke with Seven (7)
Development Clinics for the current 2017/2018 hockey season. The JR/SR
IP sessions will consist of Power Skating which will be instructed by Kelly
DOUGLAS with the assistance of our coaches. These sessions are extra with
no added cost to our families.
Further Tyke players will also be receiving Seven (7) Development
Sessions which will consist of Power Skating and Body Contact.
Power Skating will be instructed by Glen HAYHURST and Body Contact will be instructed by the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA). This is also at no added cost to our families. All ice times have been added to the Simcoe & District Minor Hockey Association website Team Calendars.