Mar 03, 2017 | adavidson | 1934 views
Talbot Gardens Update
Last night SDMHA attended an information meeting regarding Talbot Gardens with Norfolk County Staff. As you have probably read the seating area at Talbot Gardens has been condemned and we will no longer be able to play games there for the remainder of the season. Norfolk County staff members have done a great job helping us out to make sure everything goes smoothly over the next 3-4 weeks of our season, it means we will be playing games at the Rec Center and possibly other Norfolk County Arenas.
The bigger concern is for next year and the years after that. On April 4th, Norfolk Council will vote on the master plan for the county, we need to you to communicate with your councilors and mayor and let them know that our arena renovation needs to be at the top of their priority list at this meeting. SDMHA will be making a deputation at council at the April 4th meeting urging them to put our arena at the top of the list.
I understand that this can be an emotional time, I have received many calls, texts, and emails with your concerns. I believe SDMHA is the strongest organization in the county and we are in for a bit of a challenge but we will get through this together. Most of our kids will play 10-15 years of minor
hockey. It is unfortunate that we may have to play some games in other
centers, but in the big picture it's only a small portion of your kids minor
hockey career and get us a newly renovated facility.
If you have any further questions or concerns, or if you have input you
would like shared at council please feel free to reach out to me.
Adam Walker
SDMHA President