Novice Rep Bottle Drive, News (Simcoe Minor Hockey)

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Jan 03, 2017 | adavidson | 1520 views
Novice Rep Bottle Drive
The Novice Rep team will be holding a bottle drive on January 14th from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.

They will be going door to door and empties can be dropped at 101 Donly Drive South (Corner of Donly and Victoria)

Please call 519-909-0429 for pickup at your door.

Achieve Movement
Concussion and Injury Care Provider and Sponsor Dr. Steve Martinow Chirprator (519) 909-3475 15 Allan Crescent, Simcoe [email protected]
Roulston's Pharmacy
Norfolk Minor Hockey Multi-Assoc Sponsor
Simcoe Arms
Marci Cook Memorial Simcoe Arms Tournament Sponsor