Upcoming Coach 2 Clinic, News (Simcoe Minor Hockey)

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Sep 29, 2016 | adavidson | 1225 views
Upcoming Coach 2 Clinic
Any member or non-members looking to complete the Coach 2 qualification will be able to do so on November 13th, 2016 at the Simcoe Recreation Centre.  The Clinic has both an in class portion, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and an on ice portion from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.   Registration takes place at 7:30 am.   You must be present for the entire clinic to be trained in Coach 2.   The clinic runs from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

If you are interested in registering or for further details click here! 

Achieve Movement
Concussion and Injury Care Provider and Sponsor Dr. Steve Martinow Chirprator (519) 909-3475 15 Allan Crescent, Simcoe [email protected]
Simcoe Arms
Marci Cook Memorial Simcoe Arms Tournament Sponsor