Aug 15, 2016 | Martin Jefferson | 1399 views
Midget Rep Tryouts Online!
Midget Rep Tryouts will take place as follows.
Tuesday September 6th 7:30 – Rec Centre (Tryout 1)
Wednesday September 7th 9:30 – Talbot (Tryout 2)
Thursday September 8th 7:00- Talbot (Tryout 3)
Sunday September 11th 4:30 – Talbot (Tryout 4)
September 13th 7:30 – Rec Centre (Tryout 5)
Tryout fees are $30 for the first 3 tryouts, then $10 per tryout after the first three to a maximum of $60. If there are enough players for an AE team for certain divisions, your child will ONLY be able to try for that AE team IF he/she has first tried out for the 'A' team and has been released by the head coach of that division.