Rep Tryouts - Reminder, News (Simcoe Minor Hockey)

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Apr 25, 2016 | webmaster | 1481 views
Rep Tryouts - Reminder
Reminder that Spring Rep Tryouts begin Tuesday April 26th.  See the article posted April 4th for a full list of dates and times.  All tryouts will take place at the Rec Centre.  Payment must be made by the second tryout at the very latest. 

Tuesday April 26
630pm - Novice A Tryout 1
730pm - Atom A Tryout 1
830pm - Peewee A Tryout 1
930pm - Bantam A Tryout 1

(see April 4th article for remaining dates)

Achieve Movement
Concussion and Injury Care Provider and Sponsor Dr. Steve Martinow Chirprator (519) 909-3475 15 Allan Crescent, Simcoe [email protected]
Simcoe Lions
Simcoe Lions U8 Jamboree Sponsor