Rep Tryouts, News (Simcoe Minor Hockey)

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Sep 03, 2015 | webmaster | 1221 views
Rep Tryouts
Our remaining rep tryouts start on September 8th. The tryout schedule can be found under the registration tab above.  Please remember that the tryout fee will be $10 per tryout (to a maximum of $ 30 for fall tryouts). All players attending tryouts must be registered with SDMHA for the 2015-16 season prior to their first tryout. Follow the registration tab on our website if you have not yet registered.

Tryouts can be an exciting yet stressful time of year for young hockey players and their families, so please take the time to read the following article from the OMHA on how to make tryouts a positive experience for all: click here

Achieve Movement
Concussion and Injury Care Provider and Sponsor Dr. Steve Martinow Chirprator (519) 909-3475 15 Allan Crescent, Simcoe [email protected]
Roulston's Pharmacy
Norfolk Minor Hockey Multi-Assoc Sponsor